Next.js Crash Course 2021

So, in December I mentioned that I was building a website using Next.js over the winter break. Its for a small web development company that I started. I already formed an LLC at the beginning of the year for it and got the federal, state and city stuff taken care of, so I’m good to go, legally. I had planned on launching and looking for clients this month, but pushed it to February because I wanted to try different website designs first.

I ended up going through the Next.js documentation on their website again and wrote out a procedure for building a website with the framework. Its a series of Markdown files that go over different processes like setting up the project, routing, styling and so on. I used that to guide my work on v2 of the website.

Well, two days ago, Brad Traversy released a 2021 update to his Next.js Crash Course. The original is now 3 years old, and the timing was perfect. I had enough experience with Next that I could understand everything that he was doing, and I picked up a few ideas I want to try with global components.

I also decided to not just solo the mission this time around. While I haven’t brought in any help yet, I posted about the project in Slack at Lambda and a few people have reached out to say that they’re interested in working on it with me. My hope is to assemble a team that I can depend on so that we can level up our basic web development skills while we job hunt and also build a client base. I’m almost done with the rebuild of the site. My aim is to show it to the people who are interested and see if they have any suggestions for improvement, or even if they want to have a go at a complete redesign. Meanwhile, I’m going to try landing a client in February.

Anyway, here’s Brad’s revised Next.js course. Its a great walkthrough. I saw that The Net Ninja is also working on something, so I have to check that out… next.

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