Coding Bootcamps, Are they Worth It?

This is a post from Michael Chrupcala, a former Lambda student who now works at a Fortune-5 company. In it, he reflects on how his experience at Lambda compares to his current workplace and whether or not it truly prepared him for a career in tech.

Overall, it looks like the lessons he took weren’t all necessarily technical in nature. A lot of what helped him was approach-based, like learning how to learn, adapting to new technologies, problem-solving and abstracting ideas. Lambda’s daily workflow also mimics his workplace’s flow to a large degree.

With regard to the job hunt, it looks like Lambda helped a lot with this, but one failing while he attended was a lack of focus on code interviews. I can say from my current experience that they’ve worked on this. I’m in my last week of Computer Science right now, and the entire unit has been focused on using Python to solve coding challenges on CodeSignal, which is similat to LeetCode and HackerRank and sites like that. The challenges are tied to data structures that we’ve studied, and our sprint challenges are also done on CodeSignal. For someone with no prior experience in this realm, its been brutal.

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